Audiology Doctors in Napa and Santa Rosa, CA

Better hearing and a better quality of life can be yours for many years with the help of the right hearing professional. At Microtone Audiology, Inc., with offices in Napa, Hidden Valley Lake, St. Helena, and Santa Rosa, CA, we pride ourselves on developing long-term relationships with our patients. Relationships based on unsurpassed personal service that begins the first time you walk through our doors and continues long after your initial appointment.

Talk to the experts.

Brian Duguay, AuD

Brian Duguay, AuD

Doctor Of Audiology

He received his training at UCSF Audiology, and has worked as a licensed Clinical Audiologist at Mills-Peninsula Health Services in San Mateo for 6 years as well as Microtone Hearing Aid Center in Napa for 7 years (both since 2003). In 2010, Brian and his brother Joel acquired Microtone Hearing Aid Center from their father Michael Duguay and transformed the successful practice into Microtone Audiology Inc. Today, Brian and his team work closely with St. Helena Medical Specialties Otolaryngology and many other medical / health care professionals to serve residents of the Napa Valley and beyond. Brian is experienced with diagnostic testing of the hearing and balance systems for all ages. He specializes in hearing loss, tinnitus treatments and the most current hearing aid technologies including assistive listening devices, Bluetooth and wireless hearing instrument accessories, CROS and BiCROS hearing instruments, deep fitting Invisible-In-The-Canal hearing instruments, loop systems, and more. Brian works with a team of dedicated professionals who want to make a difference in people’s lives.
Joel Duguay, HIS

Joel Duguay, HIS

HIS (Hearing Instrument Specialist), Hearing Aid Dispenser

Joel joined Microtone Audiology in 2007 after becoming a CA licensed Hearing Instrument Specialist. At that time, his father Michael and brother Brian were operating Microtone. Joel enjoys working with people of all ages with varying degrees of hearing impairment. He has a passion for finding the best solution for everyone’s hearing needs. He is a dedicated professional and is well versed in virtually all of the world’s top hearing instrument manufacturers which give the best chance for the most effective hearing solution. Joel’s career did not begin in the hearing industry, he began as an engineer. Joel graduated at the top of his class in Civil/Structural Engineering from California Polytechnic State University, one of California’s most respected Engineering colleges. His background education has made Joel an expert in understanding the highly complex technology that hearing instruments utilize today. At Microtone Audiology, we put people first and ensure that your needs are the focus of our efforts to correct hearing impairment. As trained professionals in the hearing health field, not only is our expertise second to none, so is our service.

Talk To the Experts

Why wait? You don't have to live with hearing loss. Call Us Today